This videomapping project is selected as a finalist of Bangkok Projection Mapping Competition 2021, which is a part of Bangkok Design Week.
Working period: April 2021
Tools: Unity (HDRP), Houdini, C#, Shader Graph, Shaderlab (HLSL), Visual Effect Graph, Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, Adobe AfterEffects, Blender

Since this videomapping project is a part of the design conference (Bangkok Design Week), 
the main focus of this project is the diversity of various points of view, opinions and philosophies, and interaction between them.
There are some important aspects/steps in the design-based problem-solving process; considering the diverse background of users/stakeholders/designers, sharing unique points of view which came from their background, etc. 
Connecting ideas from these various backgrounds would lead people to better solutions that make the world a better place. 
In this project, the combination of different styles of materials represents variations of background and interaction between them. 
I "wish" that uniting designers and non-designers with various backgrounds improves our lives, as people who worked on some problems did. 

このプロジェクションマッピングのプロジェクトは、デザインカンファレンス(Bangkok Design Week)の一環であるため、様々な視点、意見、哲学の多様性と、それらの相互作用に主題を置いている。
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